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Financial Wellness Solution

Now, as we are facing a critical time, more and more people are experiencing pandemic related stress. Whether that is due to the fact that they are tasked with taking care of sick family members, worrying about job security or saving money, or worried about staying healthy, happy and motivated, or it's the weight of the world right now. As an employer, it is important to provide excellent support for your employees including a robust financial wellness solution.

Financial wellness programs are on the rise, but BrightPlan is differentiated. As a registered investment adviser, we adhere to the fiduciary standard of care, which means that we are required to act solely in your employees’ best interest when offering personalized financial advice.

BrightPlan provides a comprehensive personal finance solution for all employees that is real-time, personalized and integrated with employer benefits. Our combination of digital platform and human advisors supports employee personal financial goals at every stage of life, helping companies to better attract, retain, and engage talent.

Encourage Your Employees To Do Their Best Work

With a financial wellness solution, you contribute to your employees’ financial well-being. We know that every person’s financial needs are unique. That is why we have a wide range of capabilities designed to address the problems your employees are facing in the pursuit of their financial goals. At the same time, our solution reduces their financial stress, which hampers their productivity in the workplace.

Our approach allows employees to take control and get the support that they need. Our solution is real-time, personalized, and integrated with employer benefits. It consists of a digital platform paired with experienced financial advisors.

Financial Wellness At The Click Of A Button

On our digital platform, your employees can learn how to improve their financial well-being. We will guide them through the four key pillars to achieving financial success: learn, plan, invest, and manage.

Our BrightPlan Academy offers educational resources to promote financial literacy. We personalize our educational content to each employer and deliver them in a relatable and engaging way.

You can also find the BrightPlan Financial Wellness Coach on the digital platform. It provides employees with a personalized roadmap that outlines steps needed to achieve their goals--whether it is paying back debt or saving for a child’s college education.

For employees who wish to invest, our platform allows for automated investing tailored to their goals. We also offer expert 401(k) investment advice personalized to your company.

Your employees can also use the platform to analyze the investments that they already own as well as look for ways to improve their portfolio.

Last but not least, BrightPlan’s digital platform helps employees manage their day-to-day finances. Our dashboard lets employees see their entire financial picture in one place. Our Smart Budget feature automatically creates a budget based on an employee’s spending. Our platform also allows employees to analyze their spending over time to see if they’re on track with their spending goals.

Experienced Financial Advisors

We have experienced financial advisors from our sister company Plancorp that work directly with employees. Plancorp, founded in 1983, has over $4B in assets under management and a 99% client retention rate.

With the help of our powerful digital platform and our experienced financial advisors, your employees will be on their way to financial success.

It’s A Win-Win

A financial wellness solution will help free your employees from their financial stress. With the BrightPlan Total Financial Wellness solution, your employees will have a chance to experience financial freedom and meet their goals, whatever they might be.

Implementing our solution is a win-win for you and your employees. Your employees can get on track financially and relieve money-related stress. In turn, they will be able to be more productive and engaged. When your employees are happy and satisfied, their productivity improves.

Gone are the days when you only had to provide the most basic employee benefits package. Today, if you want your company to succeed, you should support your employees. One of their biggest concerns is their financial well-being. Finances can take a toll on someone’s well-being, and as an employer, you’d like to help your employees feel safe and secure in their financial lives.

By implementing a financial wellness solution, you can help support your employees.

BrightPlan is a leader in Total Financial Wellness. We are the first digital financial wellness solution certified for fiduciary excellence. If you want a comprehensive personal finance solution for your employees that is real-time, customized, and integrated with employer benefits, then you have come to the right place.

Take advantage of this unique approach to support your employees’ financial goals at every stage of their life. With our assistance, you can attract, retain, and engage talent. You will also have a solid, long-lasting relationship with your workforce that will benefit your business. Your company will thrive under our care.

Make The Bright Decision Today

So what are you waiting for? Choose a financial wellness solution that will work for you! We might be just what you need to make your business thrive.