Employees are disengaged at work¹
The cost of financially stressed employees on U.S. employers²
HR leaders think employers need to make major benefits changes to keep employees happy³
Employees want to work for companies that care about their well-being and are aligned with their values.

Brightplan solution
Customized webinars & content for your benefits offering plus financial planners trained to help your employees get the most from your company’s benefits program

Lack of consistent experience based on geography
Brightplan solution
Support for employees in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand, with education tailored to specific countries and in-country financial planners held to a fiduciary standard

Disjointed employee and HR experience
Brightplan solution
Total Financial Wellness - a comprehensive and scalable solution that addresses all aspects of employees’ financial lives

Lack of support for financial planning services
Brightplan solution
Focus on all aspects of employees’ financial well-being, including taxes, estate planning, student loan optimization, and more**
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*Assumes there are 94,257,000 knowledge workers in the U.S. with an hourly wage of $35.53. Source: Federal Reserve Economic Dataset. For more information, see the full BrightPlan 2021 Wellness Barometer report.
**Disclosure: Estate planning document preparation, student loan optimization, and tax filing services are made available through third-party service providers.
1. Gallup State of the American Workplace 20172. BrightPlan 2021 Wellness Barometer Survey